
The following is an account by a survivor 20 years after The Parasitic Anomaly’s last encounters with the people of Kavanaugh, Kentucky…

“From deep within the eastern hills of Kentucky arose the stench of death and decay. Once known to the locals only as an urban legend, in 1993 The Parasitic Anomaly went on what was to be known as one of the most brutal killing sprees in the U.S. ever recorded. The men of an entire community were basically wiped out, but I somehow survived. The townsfolk got word that The Anomaly had been stealing cattle from the stockyard late at night. An eye witness claimed he saw it lumber into the yard and with a clubbing blow from it’s fist kill a cow. Then literally picked it up and threw it over his massive shoulder before walking off into the nearby woods. He said from what he saw in the darkness, the giant form stood over 7 feet tall, walked with a severe limp and had a great hump on it’s back. It wore what appeared to be a loosely fitting robe made of frayed burlap. The man could barely tell the story to police before he had to be sedated and taken to the psych-ward the next morning.

The town was shocked and terrified that something so horrific could exist, let alone the fact it was stocking around their community. What if it decided to take, rape and kill the children or women? Questions like these arose and so did anger and hate for this diabolical abomination.

After a heated and emotional meeting of the people, our small town decided in unity that the search for this hideous creature was on. Using the stockyard as an unofficial headquarters, we rounded up the town’s most formidable team of hunters, stronghands, and good old boys looking for the fight of their lives. The women and children were told to keep the doors locked tight and only open up if they knew for sure it was someone that was known and trusted. With all our firepower, weapons, and supplies to last at least a week, we were ready to set out in search of this bastard of a creation.

We split into two teams and drove 4×4 trucks to either side of the hills where it had been sited, with a plan to close in on a one mile radius meeting in the middle. Driving ever so slowly down the old bumpy dirt road with men in the bed of the trucks at the ready with their shotguns and rifles, we had our CB radios tuned to the same channel so a call for backup could be made at a given moment. Eventually we met up at the chosen center spot, but to no avail on spotting the blasted creature.

It was time to take an approach on foot. Keeping our two teams together and each of us careful not to fray from the pack, we stalked around the side of the hill with the plan of meeting back at the trucks in one hour. About 20 minutes later, I heard a “Psst”, then a whisper, “Hey guys, what’s that over there?” We crept down the hill and walked up on a makeshift shed halfway back in a cubbyhole on the hillside. The smell damn near could have knocked a man out. There were big bloody handprints on the plywood propped up as a door. With our guns ready, one man grabbed the door and threw it back.

It was the most disgusting scene I had looked at in my life. It was the cow from the night before. Looked more like it had been torn apart, instead of cut. Legs hanging, broken bones, ribs exposed, innards on the ground, and head dangling on by a thread of flesh and tendons. A few men couldn’t help but to gag. We picked up the plywood and closed it back up. We now knew what The Anomaly was capable of.

About that time, out of nowhere, an enormous figure jumped down from over top the shed and let out a bellowing scream as deep as a damn lion. The Parasitic Anomaly had made his presence clearly known. One man shot it almost immediately with his 30/30. We stood there expecting it to go down, but instead it turned to him and with one quick swoop of it’s huge arm knocked the man’s head clear off. His spine and vertebrae flew with it. His body fell crumpled. It turned to us as if to say, “who’s next?” We opened fire on it at close range. I could tell the shots were taking effect, but it also seemed to enrage it even more. It started grabbing at the barrels of the guns jerking them from their owner’s hands. I guess one of us had a death grip on his, because both of his arms were pulled clean off.

With all of us disarmed, The Anomaly started swinging wildly. He was knocking the grown men about like ragdolls. It occured to me, I should try and get the other team over here to help fend this beast off. I took off towards the trucks hoping I’d run into them along the way. As I ran I heard all of the men’s screams of anguish behind me. That made me run faster than I had since I was a kid. When I got to the trucks the others were not there. Surely they had heard the gunfire.

I stood there for a few seconds looking in all directions and catching my breath. I started hearing gunshots from over where I had just left my team. In my frazzled state of mind I didn’t know what the Hell was going on, so I started running back over to the site. The gunfire had stopped, but the closer I got the more screams and yelling I was hearing. I must have somehow missed the other team somewhere. I finally made it over there and what I saw put the mangled cow from earlier to shame. It wasn’t the fact that I was looking at dissected, bone-crushed, and decimated remains of every man I ever knew in my life, but it was the site of that foul, hideous being known as The Parasitic Anomaly.

It’s burlap robe had been torn away in the scuffle revealing it’s horrendous deformity. It was a disgusting little devilish head with little arms growing from it’s back and they were both devouring the flesh of the dead men as if they hadn’t had a meal in a month. The sound alone of the gore gnashing in their rotted teeth was enough to make me sick. They didn’t see me and I was glad. What could have I done at that point?

I turned and ran back to the trucks, got in mine and hauled ass back to town. I had to be the one who told all those wives and children the fate of their brave husbands and fathers. That was harder than seeing what I saw up there. We called in the state and federal authorities, but they didn’t believe my story. They knew it was something not human though, so they called in the Army to do a widespread search. Came back empty.

We had to lay all the remains to rest and after that, try to regain some sense of normality in our lives, but to this day The Parasitic Anomaly haunts me and the whole town of Kavanaugh. It’s been 20 years and it hasn’t been seen since that day of blasphemy, but if I did see it I would still run like Hell.”